Effortless parking in a lively neighborhood

The Keilaniemi District Parking Facility is an integral part of the developing Keilaniemi area. The underground parking facility, unique in its size and scope of services, enables the area to develop into a versatile district with pedestrian traffic at its core.


Parking facility serving the entire Keilaniemi area.

The Keilaniemi District Parking Facility spreads under the Keilaniemi area and can be easily reached from several different entrances by car, public transport and on foot.

By car, the parking facility can be reached from both main roads in the area (Kehä I and Länsiväylä). Additionally, the parking facility has an immediate connection to the Keilaniemi metro station and the Jokeri Light Rail terminus, as well as several pedestrian connections to the area.


Parking services to meet the needs of a developing area.

The Keilaniemi District Parking Facility offers a versatile selection of parking services for short- and long-term needs. Of the 1,900 parking spaces, at least 800 will be equipped with charging capability. Furthermore, there are parking spaces to meet the requirements of the city plan, as well as civilian defense shelter spaces, available for property owners.

Parking rights

The Keilaniemi District Parking Facility offers parking rights for short- and long-term needs. Alongside 24/7 parking rights, evening and weekend parking rights are available. Parking rights are rented to residents and companies in the area, for example for employee and corporate visitor use.

Short-term parking and Park & Ride facilities

The Keilaniemi District Parking Facility offers hourly parking for visitors to the area. Further, Park & Ride facilities are being planned to support smooth use of public transport.

Parking spaces for property owners

The Keilaniemi District Parking Facility offers parking spaces to property owners that need to meet the parking space requirements set to the properties in the area. Alternate parking allows of a reduction in the number of the required parking spaces.

Civil defense shelters

The Keilaniemi District Parking Facility also offers civil defense shelter spaces. The spaces planned for the first phase of the project are all currently tentatively reserved.

Parksmart-certified parking facility

Parksmart is the world’s only certification program designed for high-quality, responsible parking facilities to promote sustainable mobility through intelligent design and operation of the parking structure. Parksmart certification defines sustainable practices for, for example, the construction, management, and technologies of parking facilities.

The Keilaniemi District Parking Facility will become Finland’s first Parksmart-certified parking facility. It is seeking the highest Parksmart Gold certification.


The preparatory work for the construction of the Keilaniemi District Parking Facility has begun.
According to the preliminary schedule, the first phase of the parking facility will be completed in 2027.


Building permit processing in progress


Excavation in progress


Frame construction in progress


Phase 1 complete